Saturday, December 08, 2007
Memoirs of a Survey Samurai
blue sandbag + blue soil + green camouflage netting = bunk bed
Trust me.. Geishas would blush after what I have gone through!
Day1 10am
Survey Lao Jiao draw rifles for the exercise. Morale = Elmo, especially the Bridging Section(I'm in that section)
Mission 1 to Deployment Ground commerced. It was unknown why my team had to move out together with the 3 other teams as advance party. At that time, I was envying the other 2 teams in my section, who will be moving out at 9pm. I guess I can call this suay.
Stoning at the security point at the deployment ground. Occasionally eating dust along the side of the road as a dump truck rolls past us. Still wondering why we came so early.
Our boss has confirmed with us our deepest fears - digging shellscapes. Selecting a neat shelter of trees as a security point, we were relieved to find some old shellscapes abandoned by previous units. We still had to dig 2 more or so though..
Been digging, and digging.. and digging... The soil was quite tough, but thankfully it came out as chunks, making the ET blade really effective. Sweat mixed with sand irritated the eyes.
Our site was visited by Survey's Beloved. He said that our shellscapes were not up to standard. Guess its more digging for us. The Blisters on my hands are starting to form.
Digging done. Taking out my groundsheet, my team slept shortly with the stars shining under us. Thank God that He provided a windy night for us to rest.
Day 2 0.00am
Ants bit me
Ants bit me again
We shifted location as the previous place was flooding with ants
Damn the ants. Im now fully awake.
Finally realised the problem. It was the Milo bits in my field pack that attracted the ants to me. Took my army mosquito repellent and burn the ants away.
It was time for revenge. I started killing the nasty buggers whenever those creeps ventured near my groundsheet.
I conducted an experiment. By dropping a tiny piece of biscuit, I observed that no matter what size the biscuit was, ants were able to carry it to their nest. At this point of time, my brain was either dead or I was super bored.
We finally had our movement orders. I'm so glad we're getting out of this hell-hole.
Moved out for 2nd mission at Survey's Playground. Did the driving myself. As usual, we were the advance party.
Arrived at the place... finishing what we were set to do in less than 1/2 hour.
Decided not to go back so early. Found a wicked retreat up in a gnoll near one of the banks. Nice scenery. Windy Area. Great place for cooking. And for releasing excess baggage.
Stayed at our security post. Until the main body came.
Day 3 0.00am
Everyone was finally here. There was little time wasted. We went to one of our banks, waiting to be brought across by the company's boat.
Touched down at the enemy line. Spotted a triple con, with a supposed trip flare, but thank goodness we found another bypass route around it. (the other team tripped the flare, and Daniel died out of that)
We were somewhere high up.(well obviously i knew where we are, just that its inconvenient to say it on a blog), and we felt that with such a steep slope, vehicles would not be able to travel on this route. So we found another bypass and effectively avoided yet another set of obstacles set by the enemy. Later I heard that The high aboves were irritated with our decision, which was good. I had a feeling they prepared an ambush for us.
Finally reached our destination, at a nearby training shed. Exhausted and weary, we just tossed everything down on the floor and catch some sleep.
Some armour reservists woke us up from our sleep. They claimed that there were using the training shed for their training. We were told to evacuate the area in search for another location. The jeeps were at the training shed, so we could set out.
For some reason, every training shed seemed to have an armour unit occupying it.
Finally found a suitable training shed, with a few Field Engineers leaving the area. It was just about that time when the rain started to pour.
We were at the state of euphoria. Never felt so shiok sleeping with no one to disturb us. Still raining with Cat1
zzz.. shiok.. zzz..Raining..
Dinner was served. As usual, we had instant noodles. Some were daring enough to take the green packets, but I prefer hot savoury food with a little ingredients. Raining..
Orders were given to return to the company's training shed. From that point on, we were wet.
Orders from all corners seem to find their way onto us. We became chauffeurs, lights crew, Security etc. Raining..
Alas, orders for mission 3 were given. With the place sketched out in my mind, I led 2 teams in the rain to our next area, driving our jeeps.
Day 4 12.30am
Arrived at the place. Sadly, this place didnt have a training shed, just some trees at the side to provide shelter from the rain. But, it didnt matter, since we were already wet even with our gortex jackets on.
Cold. Irritating rain tapping different parts of my body. Cold. Good thing I have ear plugs to block off the noise made by the rain. Cold. Really feeling like a ElMO at this point of time. Cold.
Orders from the high above were given. We were to mark out the route to the crossing site. On foot. No jeep allowed. Just on foot. The rationale? We were too fast. And it was starting to pour.
Yeah, that's right. We marked out the whole darn place for you, and we're still early. But hey, we're done with our job scope, and you can't do anything to us.. So let us sleep!
Hooray..! Mission Completed!
Waited for everyone to be here on the floating bridge to take a group photo of ourselves. Hmm.. I wonder whether if we can get to keep these photos.
Told to mark out the route to the washing area. While in the process, we stumbled upon the other section of Survey, preparing to RTU. Emotion: Stunned.
ORD LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day1 10am
Survey Lao Jiao draw rifles for the exercise. Morale = Elmo, especially the Bridging Section(I'm in that section)
Mission 1 to Deployment Ground commerced. It was unknown why my team had to move out together with the 3 other teams as advance party. At that time, I was envying the other 2 teams in my section, who will be moving out at 9pm. I guess I can call this suay.
Stoning at the security point at the deployment ground. Occasionally eating dust along the side of the road as a dump truck rolls past us. Still wondering why we came so early.
Our boss has confirmed with us our deepest fears - digging shellscapes. Selecting a neat shelter of trees as a security point, we were relieved to find some old shellscapes abandoned by previous units. We still had to dig 2 more or so though..
Been digging, and digging.. and digging... The soil was quite tough, but thankfully it came out as chunks, making the ET blade really effective. Sweat mixed with sand irritated the eyes.
Our site was visited by Survey's Beloved. He said that our shellscapes were not up to standard. Guess its more digging for us. The Blisters on my hands are starting to form.
Digging done. Taking out my groundsheet, my team slept shortly with the stars shining under us. Thank God that He provided a windy night for us to rest.
Day 2 0.00am
Ants bit me
Ants bit me again
We shifted location as the previous place was flooding with ants
Damn the ants. Im now fully awake.
Finally realised the problem. It was the Milo bits in my field pack that attracted the ants to me. Took my army mosquito repellent and burn the ants away.
It was time for revenge. I started killing the nasty buggers whenever those creeps ventured near my groundsheet.
I conducted an experiment. By dropping a tiny piece of biscuit, I observed that no matter what size the biscuit was, ants were able to carry it to their nest. At this point of time, my brain was either dead or I was super bored.
We finally had our movement orders. I'm so glad we're getting out of this hell-hole.
Moved out for 2nd mission at Survey's Playground. Did the driving myself. As usual, we were the advance party.
Arrived at the place... finishing what we were set to do in less than 1/2 hour.
Decided not to go back so early. Found a wicked retreat up in a gnoll near one of the banks. Nice scenery. Windy Area. Great place for cooking. And for releasing excess baggage.
Stayed at our security post. Until the main body came.
Day 3 0.00am
Everyone was finally here. There was little time wasted. We went to one of our banks, waiting to be brought across by the company's boat.
Touched down at the enemy line. Spotted a triple con, with a supposed trip flare, but thank goodness we found another bypass route around it. (the other team tripped the flare, and Daniel died out of that)
We were somewhere high up.(well obviously i knew where we are, just that its inconvenient to say it on a blog), and we felt that with such a steep slope, vehicles would not be able to travel on this route. So we found another bypass and effectively avoided yet another set of obstacles set by the enemy. Later I heard that The high aboves were irritated with our decision, which was good. I had a feeling they prepared an ambush for us.
Finally reached our destination, at a nearby training shed. Exhausted and weary, we just tossed everything down on the floor and catch some sleep.
Some armour reservists woke us up from our sleep. They claimed that there were using the training shed for their training. We were told to evacuate the area in search for another location. The jeeps were at the training shed, so we could set out.
For some reason, every training shed seemed to have an armour unit occupying it.
Finally found a suitable training shed, with a few Field Engineers leaving the area. It was just about that time when the rain started to pour.
We were at the state of euphoria. Never felt so shiok sleeping with no one to disturb us. Still raining with Cat1
zzz.. shiok.. zzz..Raining..
Dinner was served. As usual, we had instant noodles. Some were daring enough to take the green packets, but I prefer hot savoury food with a little ingredients. Raining..
Orders were given to return to the company's training shed. From that point on, we were wet.
Orders from all corners seem to find their way onto us. We became chauffeurs, lights crew, Security etc. Raining..
Alas, orders for mission 3 were given. With the place sketched out in my mind, I led 2 teams in the rain to our next area, driving our jeeps.
Day 4 12.30am
Arrived at the place. Sadly, this place didnt have a training shed, just some trees at the side to provide shelter from the rain. But, it didnt matter, since we were already wet even with our gortex jackets on.
Cold. Irritating rain tapping different parts of my body. Cold. Good thing I have ear plugs to block off the noise made by the rain. Cold. Really feeling like a ElMO at this point of time. Cold.
Orders from the high above were given. We were to mark out the route to the crossing site. On foot. No jeep allowed. Just on foot. The rationale? We were too fast. And it was starting to pour.
Yeah, that's right. We marked out the whole darn place for you, and we're still early. But hey, we're done with our job scope, and you can't do anything to us.. So let us sleep!
Hooray..! Mission Completed!
Waited for everyone to be here on the floating bridge to take a group photo of ourselves. Hmm.. I wonder whether if we can get to keep these photos.
Told to mark out the route to the washing area. While in the process, we stumbled upon the other section of Survey, preparing to RTU. Emotion: Stunned.
ORD LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!